Print screen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Print screen (often abbreviated Print Scrn, Prnt Scrn, Prt Scn, Prt Scr, or Prt Sc) is a key present on most PC keyboards. It is typically situated in the same section as the break key and scroll lock key ...
螢幕擷取(列印您的螢幕) - Microsoft Windows 說明 了解如何擷取電腦螢幕的圖片,然後列印圖片或是將圖片貼到文件或電子郵件中 ... 電腦和其他裝置沒有PrtScn 鍵,或者需要使用不同的按鍵組合來抓取螢幕擷取畫面 ...
3 Ways to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows - wikiHow How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows. If you've got a problem with a program in Windows, you may be wondering how to show someone the errors ...
How to Take a Screen Shot in Windows Learn how to capture a screen shot of your desktop or an active window to save as an image in Windows without installing additional software.
Free Screen Capture - ZAPGRAB - Zap Grab screen grabber - Zabgrab | Free screenshot capture | captur Zapgrab is the best capture screens for Windows and Mac! Official site ZapGrab. Zap Grab is an easy screen grabber, to make free screenshot capture. Zapgrab is an easy free software to print screen and capture screen. Available for Windows and Mac. Free .
Print Screen / Screen Capture (Windows, Mac OS X and Unix/Linux) The article describes the use of the Print Screen or Screen Capture function on various platforms. It describes the Print Screen function, which is used to capture the display currently on the monitor. It shows this function for Windows, Mac OS X and UNIX
How to Capture Screen Shots in Windows Using the Print ... To capture a screen shot of the active window or dialog box (for example, the WordPad application ...
How to take a screenshot The most popular screenshot instructions for Mac OS X, Windows, iOS, Android and more. ... Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have been abbreviated differently on your keyboard.
The Best Screen Capture and Print Screen utility available Application Techniques, Inc ; Print Screen Capture solutions for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 ... This site and its products are FOR SALE. If interested contact: The Professional Print Screen Capture Software
Gadwin PrintScreen - Free download and software reviews - CNET ... Excellent screen capture apps aren't hard to come by, but excellent free ones are.